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== Gathering facts from file ==
[[Category: Ansible | Tips and tricks]]
=== Variables from an Oracle response file ===
= Ansible commandline =
== Get settings for host ==
=== Show inventory for host ===
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
$ ansible-inventory --host ${hostname}
=== Gathering settings for host in ${hostname}: ===
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
$ ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]' ${hostname}
For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
$ ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]' localhost
=== Gathering groups for host in ${hostname}: ===
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
$ ansible -m debug -a 'var=group_names' ${hostname}
== Get informations from host ==
=== Get all installed kernel versions: ===
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
$ ansible -m shell -a 'uname -r' 'all' | perl -pe 's#\s+\|\s+CHANGED\s+\|\s+rc=\d+\s>>\s*\n#;#g' > /tmp/kernel.csv
=== Get all installed releases: ===
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
$ ansible -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_distribution_version' 'all'
= Using ansible variables filled by gathering =
== ansible_mounts ==
<syntaxhighlight lang=yaml>
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    # query all cifs filesystems mounted under /media/cifs. See community.general.json_query below.
    query: "@[?fstype=='cifs'] | @[?starts_with(mount,'/media/cifs/')]"
    - name: "Just gather mounts"
          - mounts
    - name: "Show all mounts matching query {{ query }}"
        msg: "{{ item.options }}"
      loop: "{{ ansible_mounts | community.general.json_query(query) }}"
        label: "{{ item.device }} -> {{ item.mount }}"
= Gathering facts from file =
== Variables from an Oracle response file ==
This snippet gets some variables from the response file and puts them into an environment variable <i>oracle_environment</i> and sets the variable name itself (prepended with oracle_ if not already there). The variable <i>oracle_environment</i> can be used for <i>environment:</i> when you use <i>shell:</i>.
This snippet gets some variables from the response file and puts them into an environment variable <i>oracle_environment</i> and sets the variable name itself (prepended with oracle_ if not already there). The variable <i>oracle_environment</i> can be used for <i>environment:</i> when you use <i>shell:</i>.

<source lang=yaml>
<syntaxhighlight lang=yaml>
     oracle_user:          oracle
     oracle_user:          oracle
     oracle_version:      12cR2  
     oracle_version:      12cR2  
     oracle_response_file: /install/tepmplate_{{ oracle_version }}/db_{{ oracle_version | lower}}.rsp
     oracle_response_file: /install/tepmplate_{{ oracle_version }}/db_{{ oracle_version | lower}}.rsp

<source lang=yaml>
<syntaxhighlight lang=yaml>
   - name: "Getting variables for version {{ oracle_version }} from response file"
   - name: "Getting variables for version {{ oracle_version }} from response file"
     shell: |
     shell: |
Line 32: Line 89:
       - oracle
       - oracle
       - oracle_install
       - oracle_install
= Gathering oracle environment =
<syntaxhighlight lang=yaml>
  - name: Calling oraenv
    shell: |
          # Set ORAENV_ASK=NO and ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, PATH from /etc/oratab
          eval $(awk -F':' '!/^[ ]*(#|$)/ && $3=="Y"{printf "export ORAENV_ASK=NO ORACLE_SID=%s ORACLE_HOME=%s PATH=${PATH}:%s/bin\n",$1,$2,$2}' /etc/oratab)
          # Call /usr/local/bin/oraenv for additional settings
          . /usr/local/bin/oraenv -s
          # Just register what we need for Oracle
          env | egrep "(ORACLE_.*|PATH|LD_LIBRARY_PATH)="
    register: env
    changed_when: False
  - name: Creating environment ora_env
      ora_env: |
          {#  Creating empty dictionary #}
          {%- set tmp_env={} -%}
          {#  For each line from env call tmp_env._setitem_(<variable>,<value>) #}
          {%- for line in env.stdout_lines -%}
          {{    tmp_env.__setitem__(line.split('=')[0], line.split('=')[1]) }}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {#  Print the created variable #}
          {{  tmp_env }}

  - debug: var=ora_env
= NetApp Modules =

[[ Kategorie: Ansible | Tips and tricks ]]
== NetApp role ==
=== Snapshot user ===
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname DEFAULT -access none
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "event generate-autosupport-log" -access all
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot create" -query "-snapshot ansible_*" -access all
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot delete" -query "-snapshot ansible_*" -access all
security login      create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -application ontapi -authentication-method password -user-or-group-name ansible-snapuser

Latest revision as of 09:13, 21 June 2024

Ansible commandline

Get settings for host

Show inventory for host

$ ansible-inventory --host ${hostname}

Gathering settings for host in ${hostname}:

$ ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]' ${hostname}

For example:

$ ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]' localhost

Gathering groups for host in ${hostname}:

$ ansible -m debug -a 'var=group_names' ${hostname}

Get informations from host

Get all installed kernel versions:

$ ansible -m shell -a 'uname -r' 'all' | perl -pe 's#\s+\|\s+CHANGED\s+\|\s+rc=\d+\s>>\s*\n#;#g' > /tmp/kernel.csv

Get all installed releases:

$ ansible -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_distribution_version' 'all'

Using ansible variables filled by gathering


- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    # query all cifs filesystems mounted under /media/cifs. See community.general.json_query below.
    query: "@[?fstype=='cifs'] | @[?starts_with(mount,'/media/cifs/')]"
    - name: "Just gather mounts"
          - mounts
    - name: "Show all mounts matching query {{ query }}"
        msg: "{{ item.options }}"
      loop: "{{ ansible_mounts | community.general.json_query(query) }}"
        label: "{{ item.device }} -> {{ item.mount }}"

Gathering facts from file

Variables from an Oracle response file

This snippet gets some variables from the response file and puts them into an environment variable oracle_environment and sets the variable name itself (prepended with oracle_ if not already there). The variable oracle_environment can be used for environment: when you use shell:.

    oracle_user:          oracle
    oracle_version:       12cR2 
    oracle_response_file: /install/tepmplate_{{ oracle_version }}/db_{{ oracle_version | lower}}.rsp
  - name: "Getting variables for version {{ oracle_version }} from response file"
    shell: |
      awk -F '=' '/{{ item }}/{print $2;}' {{ oracle_response_file }}
    register: oracle_response_variables
      - oracle
      - oracle_install

  - name: Setting facts from response file to oracle_environment
      "{{ 'oracle_' + item.item | lower | regex_replace('oracle_','') }}": "{{ item.stdout }}"
      oracle_environment: "{{oracle_environment|default([]) + [ {item.item: item.stdout} ] }}"
      - "{{ oracle_response_variables.results }}"
      - oracle
      - oracle_install

Gathering oracle environment

  - name: Calling oraenv
    shell: |
           # Set ORAENV_ASK=NO and ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, PATH from /etc/oratab
           eval $(awk -F':' '!/^[ ]*(#|$)/ && $3=="Y"{printf "export ORAENV_ASK=NO ORACLE_SID=%s ORACLE_HOME=%s PATH=${PATH}:%s/bin\n",$1,$2,$2}' /etc/oratab)
           # Call /usr/local/bin/oraenv for additional settings
           . /usr/local/bin/oraenv -s
           # Just register what we need for Oracle
           env | egrep "(ORACLE_.*|PATH|LD_LIBRARY_PATH)="
    register: env
    changed_when: False

  - name: Creating environment ora_env
      ora_env: |
           {#  Creating empty dictionary #}
           {%- set tmp_env={} -%}
           {#  For each line from env call tmp_env._setitem_(<variable>,<value>) #}
           {%- for line in env.stdout_lines -%}
           {{    tmp_env.__setitem__(line.split('=')[0], line.split('=')[1]) }}
           {%- endfor -%}
           {#  Print the created variable #}
           {{  tmp_env }}

  - debug: var=ora_env

NetApp Modules

NetApp role

Snapshot user

security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname DEFAULT -access none
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "event generate-autosupport-log" -access all
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot create" -query "-snapshot ansible_*" -access all
security login role create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot delete" -query "-snapshot ansible_*" -access all
security login      create -vserver cluster01 -role ansible-snapshot-only -application ontapi -authentication-method password -user-or-group-name ansible-snapuser