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== NDMPd Status prüfen / anschalten ==
== NDMPd Status prüfen / anschalten ==
<source lang=bash>
<source lang=bash>
nac*> ndmpd status
ndmpd OFF.
No ndmpd sessions active.
nac*> ndmpd on
nac*> ndmpd status
nac*> ndmpd status
ndmpd ON.
ndmpd ON.

Revision as of 08:07, 14 November 2013


Prüfen, ob das SSH-Homedir /etc/sshd/<user>/.ssh existiert

nac*> priv set -q diag
nac*> ls /etc/sshd/

Anlegen eines Verzeichnisses mit Mode 0700

nac*> options wafl.default_qtree_mode
wafl.default_qtree_mode      0777
nac*> options wafl.default_qtree_mode 0700
nac*> qtree create /vol/vol0/__
nac*> options wafl.default_qtree_mode 0777

NDMPd Status prüfen / anschalten

nac*> ndmpd status
ndmpd OFF.
No ndmpd sessions active.
nac*> ndmpd on
nac*> ndmpd status
ndmpd ON.
No ndmpd sessions active.

Verzeichnis erzeugen durch kopieren des QTrees

nac*> ndmpcopy /vol/vol0/__ /vol/vol0/etc/sshd/root/.ssh
Ndmpcopy: Transfer successful [ 0 hours, 0 minutes, 20 seconds ]
Ndmpcopy: Done
nac*> qtree delete /vol/vol0/__

SSH-Key /etc/sshd/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys schreiben

nac*> wrfile /etc/sshd/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-dss AAA...== user@clienthost