Solaris process debugging
Swap usage per process
<syntaxhighlight lang=awk>
- pgrep . | xargs -n 1 pmap -S 2>/dev/null | nawk '
function kb2h(value){ unit=1; while(value>=1024){ unit++; value/=1024; }; split("KB,MB,GB,TB,PB", unit_string, /,/); return sprintf("%7.2f %s",value,unit_string[unit]); } /[0-9]+:/ { pid=$1; prog=$2; } /^total/{ swap_total+=$3; printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\n",pid,kb2h($3),prog); } END{ printf "Total:\t%s\n",kb2h(swap_total); }'
Set the core file size limit on a process
For example for the sshd (and all resulting childs from now): <syntaxhighlight lang=bash> ssh-server# prctl -n process.max-core-size -v 2g -t privileged -r -e deny $(pgrep -u root -o sshd) </source>
Check: <syntaxhighlight lang=bash> ssh-server# prctl -n process.max-core-size $(pgrep -u root -o sshd) process: 1491: /usr/lib/ssh/sshd NAME PRIVILEGE VALUE FLAG ACTION RECIPIENT process.max-core-size
privileged 2.00GB - deny - system 8.00EB max deny -
Now all processes (for example new logged in users) will have a core file size limit of 2GB... really? No! <syntaxhighlight lang=bash> ssh-client# ssh ssh-server ssh-server# ulimit -Ha | grep core core file size (blocks, -c) 2097152 </source>
See what it says: blocks <-- !!! From man page: -c Maximum core file size (in 512-byte blocks)