pass - The standard unix password manager
Tipps & Tricks
To pass the password to the ssh password promt you need another tool, too: sshpass . Put only the password in your Customers/CustomerA/myuser@sshhost.
Obvious way
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash> $ pass -c Customers/CustomerA/myuser@sshhost $ ssh myuser@sshhost Password:<paste the copied password> myuser@sshhost:~$ </source>
Cooler way
Create an alias
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash> $ alias customerA-sshhost='sshpass -f <(pass Customers/CustomerA/sshuser@sshhost) ssh sshuser@sshhost' </source>
Use it
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash> $ customerA-sshhost sshuser@sshhost:~$ </source>
Put only the password in your Customsers/CustomerB/mysqluser@mysqlhost:mysql.
Obvious way
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash> $ pass -c Customsers/CustomerB/mysqluser@mysqlhost:mysql $ mysql -h mysqlhost -u mysqluser Enter password: <paste the copied password> ... MariaDB [(none)]> </source>
Cooler way
Create an alias
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash> $ alias customerB-mysqlhost-mysqluser='mysql --user mysqluser --host mysqlhost --password=$(pass show Customsers/CustomerB/mysqluser@mysqlhost:mysql)' </source>
Or even cooler with seperate history and defaults file per connection <syntaxhighlight lang=bash> $ mkdir -p ~/Customsers/CustomerB/.mysql $ cat > ~/Customsers/CustomerB/.mysql/.my.cnf-mysqlhost-mysqluser << EOF [client] host=mysqlhost user=mysqluser EOF $ alias customerB-mysqlhost-mysqluser='MYSQL_HISTFILE=~/Customsers/CustomerB/.mysql/.mysql_history_mysqlhost mysql --defaults-file=~/Customsers/CustomerB/.mysql/.my.cnf-mysqlhost-mysqluser --password=$(pass show Customsers/CustomerB/mysqluser@mysqlhost:mysql)' </source>
Use it
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash> $ customerB-mysqlhost-mysqluser ... MariaDB [(none)]> </source>