Solaris cluster clone
From Lolly's Wiki
Cluster Clone If you need to recreate a cluster node from a survived node, you need to do the following steps
Clone system disk
For example via metattach to the metaroot.
Edit normal Solaris parameter
/etc/nodename /etc/hostname.*
Check: /etc/inet/hosts
If mirrored by SVM do
- Edit /etc/vfstab of the clone to normal Devices
- Edit /etc/system:
* Begin MDD root info (do not edit)
** rootdev:/pseudo/md@0:0,10,blk
* End MDD root info (do not edit)
Umount cloned disk fsck cloned disk root slice
Edit Cluster parameter
Get the right id from:
# nawk '/cluster\.nodes\.[^.]*\.name/{split($1,field,"."); print field[3],$NF}' /etc/cluster/ccr/global/infrastructure
1 node-a
2 node-b
Edit the
echo <nodeid> > /etc/cluster/nodeid
for example node-b:
echo 2 > /etc/cluster/nodeid
of the clone.