Solaris LiveUpgrade

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Upgrade Solaris release

Install LiveUpgrade patches

This site has a good list of patches needed:

119254-LR  Install and Patch Utilities Patch
121430-LR  Live Upgrade patch
121428-LR  SUNWluzone required patches
138130-01 vold patch
140914-02 cpio patch

119255-LR  Install and Patch Utilities Patch
121431-LR  Live Upgrade patch
121429-LR  SUNWluzone required patches
138884-01  SunOS 5.10_x86: GRUB patch
138131-01  vold patch
140915-02 cpio patch

Higher patch revisions may be available...

Mount the Solaris 10 DVD ISO-image

# mkdir /tmp/os
# mount $(lofiadm -a /root/sol-10-u11-ga-x86-dvd.iso) /tmp/os

Create the new BootEnvironment

# lucreate -n Solaris10u11

Upgrade the new BootEnvironment

# echo "autoreg=disable" > /tmp/no-autoreg
# luupgrade -u -n Solaris10u11 -s /tmp/os -k /tmp/no-autoreg

Activate the new BootEnvironment

# luactivate Solaris10u11

Install EIS patches

Mount the new EIS-ISO

# mkdir /tmp/eis
# mount -F hsfs $(lofiadm -a /root/EIS/EIS-DVD-ONE-15JUL15.iso) /tmp/eis

Update LU patches

# cd /tmp/eis/sun/patch/x86/LU/10
# unpack-patches -q -r
# cd

Create the new BootEnvironment

# lucreate -n Solaris10-EIS-15JUL15

Mount the new BootEnvironment

# mkdir /tmp/BE
# lumount Solaris10-EIS-15JUL15 /tmp/BE

Install EIS-Patches

# cd /tmp/eis/sun
# patch-EIS -R /tmp/BE /var/tmp
Will apply patches from directories: x86/10 x86/cacao/2.1 x86/SWUP/10 SunVTS/7.0_x86 x86/LU/10

Patching from directory: patch/x86/10

Cleaning out /tmp/BE//var/tmp/10...
# luumount Solaris10-EIS-15JUL15

Activate BE & Reboot

# luactivate Solaris10-EIS-15JUL15
# init 6