Inetd services

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Setting up rsyncd as inetd service

1. Put it into the legacy file /etc/inetd.conf

# printf "rsync\tstream\ttcp\tnowait\troot\t/usr/bin/rsync\t/usr/bin/rsync --config=/etc/rsyncd.conf --daemon\n" >> /etc/inetd.conf

2. Use inetconv to generate your XML file

# inetconv -o /tmp 
100235/1 -> /tmp/100235_1-rpc_ticotsord.xml
Importing 100235_1-rpc_ticotsord.xml ...Done
rsync -> /tmp/rsync-tcp.xml
Importing rsync-tcp.xml ...Done

3. Optionally modify the generated XML file /tmp/rsync-tcp.xml

4. Import the XML file

# svccfg import /tmp/rsync-tcp.xml

5. Enable it:

# inetadm -e svc:/network/rsync/tcp:default

6. Check it:

# netstat -anf inet | nawk -v port="$(nawk '$1=="rsync"{gsub(/\/.*$/,"",$2);print $2;}' /etc/services)" '$1 ~ port"$" && $NF=="LISTEN"'
      *.873                *.*                0      0 49152      0 LISTEN