NetApp and Solaris

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Just some unsorted lines... Working on it... don't believe what you can read here! It is not proofed for now.

Settings in Solaris

Settings for MPxIO over FC:


###### START changes by host_config #####
ssd-config-list="NETAPP  LUN", "physical-block-size:4096, retries-busy:30, retries-reset:30, retries-notready:300, retriestimeout:10, throttle-max:64, throttle-min:8";
###### END changes by host_config ####

Check it out

# iostat -Er | /opt/sfw/bin/gawk 'BEGIN{command="echo ::ssd_state | mdb -k"; while(command|getline){if(/^un [0-9]+:/ && $NF != "0"){ssd=$2;gsub(/:$/,"",ssd);while(!/^}/){command|getline;if(/un_phy_blocksize/){un_phy_blocksize[ssd]=strtonum($NF);}}}};close(command);}/ssd/{ssd=$1;gsub(/^ssd/,"",ssd);getline;split($0,vendor,",");printf "ssd: %s\tun_phy_blocksize: %d\t%s\t%s\n",ssd,un_phy_blocksize[ssd],vendor[1],vendor[4];}'

Alignment and ZFS

First read ZFS zpools create misaligned I/O in Solaris 11 and Solaris 10 Update 8 and later (407376).

If you have 4k as block size in your storage use ashift=12 (alignment shift exponent).

Status of alignment

# ssh filer01 "priv set -q diag ; lun show -v all; priv set"
        /vol/ZoneLUNs/Zone01.lun      50g (53687091200)   (r/w, online, mapped)
                Serial#: 800KP+EpO-33
                Share: none
                Space Reservation: enabled
                Multiprotocol Type: solaris_efi
                Maps: SUN_SERVER01_SERVER02=40
                Occupied Size:   46.2g (49583595520)  
                Creation Time: Wed Jan  7 11:37:58 CET 2015
--->            Alignment: partial-writes
                Cluster Shared Volume Information: 0x0 
                Space_alloc: disabled
                report-physical-size: enabled
                Read-Only: disabled
LUN for Oracle Database
        /vol/TEMP201/TEMP201          25g (26843545600)   (r/w, online, mapped)
                Serial#: 800KP+EpO-2t
                Share: none
                Space Reservation: enabled
                Multiprotocol Type: solaris_efi
                Maps: SUN_SERVER01_SERVER02=35
                Occupied Size:   21.6g (23195856896)  
                Creation Time: Fri Jul  4 11:02:34 CEST 2014
--->            Alignment: misaligned
                Cluster Shared Volume Information: 0x0 
                Space_alloc: disabled
                report-physical-size: enabled
                Read-Only: disabled

Or use "lun alignment show":

# ssh filer01 "priv set -q diag ; lun alignment show; priv set"
Wide spread reads. I think the ashift is not correct.
                Multiprotocol type: solaris_efi
                Alignment: partial-writes
                Write alignment histogram percentage: 5, 5, 4, 6, 4, 6, 14, 5
                Read alignment histogram percentage: 8, 7, 10, 7, 7, 8, 36, 5
                Partial writes percentage: 47
                Partial reads percentage: 9
LUN for Oracle Database
                Multiprotocol type: solaris_efi
                Alignment: misaligned
                Write alignment histogram percentage: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99, 0
                Read alignment histogram percentage: 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 77, 0
                Partial writes percentage: 0
                Partial reads percentage: 14

Or "stats show lun":

filer01*> stats show -e lun:/vol/TEMP201:.*_align_histo.*

ashift=12? Why 12?

# echo "2^12" | bc -l

OK... 4k... I see.

What ashift do I have?

# zdb | egrep ' name|ashift'
    name: 'apache_pool'
            ashift: 9
    name: 'mysql_pool'
            ashift: 9

Create ZPools on NetApp LUNs with this syntax

# zpool create -o ashift=12 <mypool> mirror <vdev1> <vdev2>

Solaris Cluster

# /opt/NTAP/SANToolkit/bin/sanlun lun show | nawk '$3 ~ /^\/dev\//{line=$0;gsub(/s[0-9]+$/,"",$3);command="/usr/cluster/bin/cldev list "$3; command | getline; close(command); print line,$1; next;}NR==2{print $0,"DID";next;}NR==3{print $0"-------";next}{print;}'
controller(7mode)/                                           device                                            host                  lun    
vserver(Cmode)       lun-pathname                            filename                                          adapter    protocol   size    mode  DID
ncl01-iscsi-svm1     /vol/vol_cyrus01/lun_tz_cyrus01_1       /dev/rdsk/c0t600A0980383033777B244834556D4865d0s2 iscsi0     iSCSI      500.1g  C     d5
ncl01-iscsi-svm1     /vol/vol_cyrus01/lun_tz_cyrus01_2       /dev/rdsk/c0t600A0980383033777B244834556D4866d0s2 iscsi0     iSCSI      500.1g  C     d6
ncl01-iscsi-svm1     /vol/vol_cyrus01/lun_tz_cyrus01_3       /dev/rdsk/c0t600A0980383033777B244834556D4867d0s2 iscsi0     iSCSI      500.1g  C     d7
