NetApp Commands
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CDOT 8.3:
netapp-svm1::> set -priv diag
netapp-svm1::*> lun alignment show -vserver svm_kerberos_backup -fields vserver,lun,alignment -path /vol/kerberos_vol_luns_backup/kerberos_lun_*
vserver path lun alignment
---------- --------------------------------- ------------ ---------
svm_backup /vol/vol_luns_backup/lun_1.bcklun lun_1.bcklun aligned
svm_backup /vol/vol_luns_backup/lun_2.bcklun lun_2.bcklun aligned
svm_backup /vol/vol_luns_backup/lun_3.bcklun lun_3.bcklun aligned
svm_backup /vol/vol_luns_backup/lun_4.bcklun lun_4.bcklun aligned
4 entries were displayed.
netapp-svm1::> set -priv admin
To see on which bucket the reads and writes occure:
netapp-svm1::> set -priv diag
netapp-svm1::*> lun alignment show -vserver svm_kerberos_backup -fields vserver,lun,alignment,read-histogram,write-histogram -path /vol/kerberos_vol_luns_backup/kerberos_lun_**
vserver path lun alignment write-histogram read-histogram
---------- --------------------------------- ------------ --------- ---------------- ----------------
svm_backup /vol/vol_luns_backup/lun_1.bcklun lun_1.bcklun aligned 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
svm_backup /vol/vol_luns_backup/lun_2.bcklun lun_2.bcklun aligned 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
svm_backup /vol/vol_luns_backup/lun_3.bcklun lun_3.bcklun aligned 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
svm_backup /vol/vol_luns_backup/lun_4.bcklun lun_4.bcklun aligned 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
4 entries were displayed.
netapp-svm1::> set -priv admin
filer> priv set -q diag ; statit -b ; sysstat -x -s -c 20 3 ; statit -e ; priv set
filer> priv set -q diag ; stats show lun:*:avg_latency ; priv set
filer> priv set -q diag ; stats show -p hybrid_aggr ; priv set
Create snapshot user
security login role create -vserver svm1 vol-snapshot-only -cmddirname DEFAULT -access none
security login role create -vserver svm1 vol-snapshot-only -cmddirname "security login publickey" -access all
security login role create -vserver svm1 vol-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver svm1 vol-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot create" -access all
security login create -vserver svm1 -role vol-snapshot-only -user-or-group-name snapshot-user -application ssh -authmethod publickey -comment "Snapshot User"
security login publickey create -vserver svm1 -username snapshot-user -publickey "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz...geX33k5 snapshot-user"
Create snapshot user for http api
Create the role
security login role create -vserver svm42 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname DEFAULT -access none
security login role create -vserver svm42 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver svm42 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot create" -query "-snapshot ansible_*" -access all
security login role create -vserver svm42 -role ansible-snapshot-only -cmddirname "volume snapshot delete" -query "-snapshot ansible_*" -access all
Check role parameter
set -showseparator ";" -showallfields true
security login role show -vserver svm42 -role ansible-snapshot-only Role
Vserver;Role Name;Role Name;Command / Directory;Access Level;Query;
svm42;ansible-snapshot-only;ansible-snapshot-only;"volume snapshot";readonly;"";
svm42;ansible-snapshot-only;ansible-snapshot-only;"volume snapshot create";all;"-snapshot ansible_*";
svm42;ansible-snapshot-only;ansible-snapshot-only;"volume snapshot delete";all;"-snapshot ansible_*";
svm42;ansible-snapshot-only;ansible-snapshot-only;"volume snapshot modify";all;"-snapshot ansible_*";
svm42;ansible-snapshot-only;ansible-snapshot-only;"volume snapshot show";all;"-snapshot ansible_*";
Create user with role
security login create -vserver svm42 -application ontapi -authentication-method password -role ansible-snapshot-only -user-or-group-name ansible
Network interfaces
ncl01::> network interface show -vserver ncl1
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
cluster_mgmt up/up ncl01-01 a0a true
ncl01-01-ic1 up/up ncl01-01 a0a true
ncl01-01_mgmt1 up/up ncl01-01 a0a true
ncl01-02-ic1 up/up ncl01-02 a0a true
ncl01-02_mgmt1 up/up ncl01-02 a0a true
5 entries were displayed.
ncl01::> network port show -link down
Node: ncl01-01
Speed(Mbps) Health
Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
e0j Default - down 1500 auto/1000 -
e0l Default - down 1500 auto/1000 -
Node: ncl01-02
Speed(Mbps) Health
Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
e0j Default - down 1500 auto/1000 -
e0l Default - down 1500 auto/1000 -
4 entries were displayed.
ncl01::> network port show -health-status degraded
There are no entries matching your query.
ncl01::> network port ifgrp show
Port Distribution Active
Node IfGrp Function MAC Address Ports Ports
-------- ---------- ------------ ----------------- ------- -------------------
a0a ip 02:a0:98:6d:06:b7 full e0i, e0k
a0b ip 02:a0:98:6d:06:b8 full e3a, e3b, e7a, e7b
a0a ip 02:a0:98:6d:07:1f full e0i, e0k
a0b ip 02:a0:98:6d:07:20 full e3a, e3b, e7a, e7b
ncl01::> network port ifgrp show -fields down-ports
node ifgrp down-ports
------------- ----- ----------
ncl01-01 a0a -
ncl01-01 a0b -
ncl01-02 a0a -
ncl01-02 a0b -
4 entries were displayed.
ncl01::> network port show -fields speed-oper -port e0j,e0l
node port speed-oper
------------- ---- ----------
ncl01-01 e0j 1000
ncl01-01 e0l 1000
ncl01-02 e0j 1000
ncl01-02 e0l 1000
4 entries were displayed.
ncl01::> network port ifgrp show -fields down-ports
node ifgrp down-ports
------------- ----- ----------
ncl01-01 a0a -
ncl01-01 a0b -
ncl01-02 a0a -
ncl01-02 a0b -
4 entries were displayed.